Faculty as Catalysts for a Changing Health Workforce
The USAID-funded One Health Workforce project (OHW) understands that faculty members play a central role in transforming the health...
SEAOHUN 2019 Partners Meeting
On 27-28 June 2018, SEAOHUN convened its six country members (INDOHUN, MyOHUN, THOHUN, VOHUN, CAMBOHUN, and LAOHUN) and partners to share...
CAMBOHUN Dissemination Meeting
With the support of KOICA through USAID SEAOHUN in collaboration with USAID One Health Workforce (OHW) organized the Cambodia OHW...
Pfizer and SEAOHUN Collaborate to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance ( AMR )
On the July 10, 2019 , Bangkok, THAILAND. Pfizer Thailand and South East Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN), a regional...